What is personal data? 

Personal data is any information that relates to an identified or identifiable individual, for example name, social security number, address or other characteristics of a specific person. Generally, this only refers to information about people, not about animals or businesses, with the exception of information about financial matters and the creditworthiness of legal entities.

The personal data must be evaluated in each case taking into account the type of information being processed. For example, a survey where no information about the participants is collected, except for the age range (20-30 years) and gender, is not considered collection of personal data. However, if the group participating in the survey is composed in such a way that very few persons are of a certain age or of certain gender, the information can be considered personal data.

Þetta verður að meta hverju sinni með hliðsjón af því hvaða upplýsingar unnið er með. Sem dæmi má nefna að viðhorfskönnun þar sem engum upplýsingum um þátttakendur er safnað, nema e.t.v. upplýsingum um aldursbil (20-30 ára) og kyn, telst ekki vera söfnun persónuupplýsinga. Ef hópurinn sem tekur þátt í könnuninni er hins vegar þannig samansettur, að mjög fáir einstaklingar eru á tilteknum aldri eða af ákveðnu kyni getur verið um persónuupplýsingar að ræða.

Retrieved from: https://www.personuvernd.is/einstaklingar/spurt-og-svarad/allar-spurningar-og-svor/hvad-eru-personuupplysingar

IKEA Privacy Policy

IKEA respects your privacy and is committed to protect it through compliance with this privacy policy. In this privacy policy we will inform you about who we are, why we process your personal data, how we process it, with whom we share it, how long we keep it and how you can contact us to exercise your rights.

Your personal data is processed by IKEA in Iceland – Miktorg hf, kt. 541293- 2809, Kauptún 4, 210 Garðabær. IKEA uses your personal data for the purposes set out in this policy.

For more information about the processing of personal data, you can send us an email to personuvernd@IKEA.is or contact us by phone, tel. 520 2500.

Why do we collect your personal data?

IKEA uses your personal data for the following purposes:

1. Services

IKEA sells furniture and furniture-related services, such as home delivery and assembly, in its store and online. IKEA also sells food and food products. We use your personal data to enforce a sale, purchase, loan, rental or service provision agreement you entered into with IKEA, or to carry out pre-contractual diligences upon your request.

2. Video surveillance

IKEA uses video surveillance in the store. The recordings are kept in encrypted files for 30 days and destroyed after that (they may be kept longer for legal reasons).

3. Games and/or contests

IKEA sometimes holds contests. Personal data is processed to manage customer participation and therefore to enforce the agreement between you and IKEA (as listed in the corresponding contest agreement ). Information is only stored for this purpose and only for as long as it is necessary for the game/contest.

4. Småland

If you use the childcare service in the store, we receive basic information about the child and the child's guardian. The data is required in order to deliver the childcare service. The data will be deleted the next business day.

5. Third party service providers and contractors

In some cases, IKEA uses third party service providers to perform services on our behalf. This applies to, for example, the processing of debit and credit card transactions and product transportation. IKEA has also entered into an agreement with a third party for cloud services. A cloud service is an online service that allows individuals and companies to use software and devices from third parties. For example, such services consist of storing information in servers, e-mail services and web solutions. Such service providers have appropriate policies and procedures in place to ensure that the information they handle is kept secure at all times. IKEA currently uses a cloud service where information is stored in the United States and within the EEA, but this may be subject to change from time to time.

If a third party needs to use your personal data in connection with a service, we will ensure that it is used only for that purpose. They are also obliged to treat the information as confidential and/or to return it to us when their use is over.

6. Business accounts

Each IKEA business account is managed by its owner, who has the authority to make changes to the account. Please note that details about every action taken on the business account, including all business transactions, are visible to the owner of the account.

Is personal data shared with others?

Your personal data may be shared:

  • Within the Inter IKEA Group.
  • With a third party service provider.

Personal data may be handled by other companies that are hired to provide services on behalf of IKEA, for example for product delivery. These businesses only obtain the personal information required to deliver the relevant service, and they only handle it in accordance with IKEA's instructions.

What is my right?

You can claim the following from us:

  • Access to your personal data.
  • The rectification of inaccurate or incomplete data concerning you.
  • Eyðingar eða takmörkunar á notkun persónuupplýsinganna.
  • Deletion or restriction of use of the personal data. If the use of personal data is subject to your consent and it was collected automatically, you have the right to have personal data sent to you in a user-friendly and computerized form.

Your request will be processed immediately to ensure that your rights are enforced. You may be required to provide identification to ensure that personal data is only shared with the rightful owner. However, keep in mind that in some cases it may take time to process the request (for example, for legal reasons). You will receive information about all decisions and actions within a month of sending your request. You also have the right to submit a complaint to Persónuvernd, the Icelandic Data Protection Authority.

The right to access

You have the right to obtain confirmation from IKEA as to whether or not we process your personal data and, where we do, you can request access to the personal data.

The right to rectification

You have the right to request that we correct any inaccurate personal data.

Right to erasure of personal data

You have the right to request that we delete your data without notice if any of the following applies:

  1. Personal data is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was collected and processed.
  2. You withdraw consent to data processing (when processing is only permitted with consent) and there are no legal grounds for data processing.
  3. You object to data processing and there are no legal grounds for processing the information.

The right to restrict data processing

You have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data. This means we will continue to store your information, but we’ll temporarily stop any other processing. For example if you’ve asked us to fix incorrect information and you want us to stop processing until the information is correct. Other reasons can be one of the following:

  1. You contest the accuracy of the personal data but IKEA can confirm its validity.
  2. . The data processing is unlawful and you object to the deletion of your information and rather demand that the use of the data will be limited.
  3. IKEA no longer needs to process your personal data but you request to receive the data for legal reasons.
  4. . You have objected to the processing, until it is verified that the legitimate grounds of the controller prevail over those of the data subject.

Right to receive data

If the processing of personal data is subject to consent and it was collected automatically, you have the right to have it sent to you in a user-friendly and computerized form.

Right to object

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data at any time if it is used in connection with: 1) IKEA legal interests 2) direct marketing 3) profiling.

Can I withdraw my consent?

If consent is legally necessary to process personal data, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. When you withdraw your consent, it does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before it was withdrawn. In addition, it does not affect the lawfulness of the processing of the same data based on another basis – for example, on a legal obligation or to enforce a contract.

If you wish to withdraw your consent, you can contact us by phone at 520 2500 or by sending an email to personuvernd@IKEA.is. personuvernd@IKEA.is

How does IKEA use cookies and similar technologies?

We use cookies to provide you with a better service. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer or on a server. All IKEA websites request a username and password for login and at the same time request consent to use cookies so that you can use all the services offered by the website.

IKEA mainly uses this technology to:

  • Store the user's IP address. Information from a cookie identifies the user and if he has applied for a service, participated in competitions or events, it gives the system access to the information we store. That way, we can adapt user settings to you and make it easier for you to use our services
  • Research and differentiate between regular and new users so we can calculate the number of users and update that number.
  • Tell us when a user sees a certain part of the web to prevent that area from appearing to them repeatedly.

In some cases, we collect information on our website through temporary cookies. These cookies disappear when you close your browser. They are not stored on the hard disk, but only on temporary memory, which is deleted when you close the browser. We use temporary cookies, for example, to find out how people use our website so that we can improve its design and functionality. Temporary cookies are not linked to personally identifiable information. You can always limit cookies through options in your browser.

Read our cookie policy. Cookie policy.

Children's use of the IKEA website

We encourage parents to monitor their children's internet usage. It is not IKEA’s intention to collect information from minors. If you are under 18 years old, you should not provide personal data on the IKEA website. Do you need more information? Contact us by phone 520 2500 or send us an email at personuvernd@IKEA.is

Privacy policy validity period

Our Privacy Policy may change from time to time and will be updated accordingly. Please monitor this page for changes. If changes are made to the way we use personal data and such changes are not consistent with the purposes described in the privacy policy, this will be announced well in advance.

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