buying guides symbol

Reducing the use of paper!

For many years, our customers could to take home copies of our buying guides. The guides show you how to plan, buy and build IKEA products. You can read about different sizes, colours, materials and other features that help you with the purchase decision. The buying guides are now only available online. We don't print them anymore, but you can find QR codes across the store to access them online. This means that we can reduce the use of paper and the customers can go online any time to look up the buying guides.


In the buying guides you can see the units of each furniture system, assembly instructions and more.

You need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader to open the PDF documents. Download Adobe Acrobat Reader here.

Note that our buying guides are only available in icelandic.


Kaupleiðbeiningar fyrir baðinnréttingar og húsgögn


Kaupleiðbeiningar fyrir barnavörur


Kaupleiðbeiningar fyrir dýnur, sængur og kodda


Kaupleiðbeiningar fyrir eldhúsinnréttingar og heimilistæki


Kaupleiðbeiningar fyrir gardínufestingar


Kaupleiðbeiningar fyrir geymsluhirslur og skipulag


Kaupleiðbeiningar fyrir lýsingu og hljóð


Kaupleiðbeiningar fyrir rennihurðir


Kaupleiðbeiningar fyrir skrifstofuhúsgögn


Kaupleiðbeiningar fyrir sófa


Kaupleiðbeiningar fyrir stofuhirslur og sjónvarpsbekki


Kaupleiðbeiningar fyrir sumarvörur


Kaupleiðbeiningar fyrir svefnherbergishúsgögn

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