Sweet spot: storage for privacy in a shared home
Whether working on a private project or indulging in a moment of quiet, we all need time to ourselves. In this large household, space for both shared and solo activities was a must, and by zoning up areas of the home and utilising smart storage solutions, the ideal mix was found.
Creating privacy in a shared bedroom
The two shared bedrooms have been split down the middle in different ways, with one using a more classic room divider and curtain combination and the other choosing hanging storage to partition the space. Picking a bunk bed also means there is always room for a guest without taking up valuable floor space.
See all curtains & blinds
Creating zones with storage
In a home with a largely open plan layout, zones for a diverse range of activities have been created with larger storage units, slicing up the area effortlessly and effectively.
See the ELVARLI system
Private storage and organisation in common spaces
Both wheelable and lockable cabinets make it easy to keep private things organised, accessible and separated, even in communal areas of a home. In the bathroom, narrow shelves have also been divided up so that everyone has their own space without confusing products.
See all storage & organisation
Closed wall storage that’s just for me
Closed wall storage close to the kitchen has been divided equally giving each housemate an individual space for more personal kitchen items, such as a delicious treat or special glassware.
See all IVAR combinations
On wheels for easy organisation and extra space
Wheelable storage and surfaces make spaces so much more dynamic, whether it’s a trolley used for a single activity like painting, or coffee tables to change the function of a space.
See all trolleys
Make space for more
Whether it’s private storage, a room divider or an extra bed, there are many products to help you make more space in the home!
Bedrooms for some alone time
We all need time to ourselves. Step into a family home that prioritises privacy with bedrooms designed for recharging. Ideas
Share and share alike
Two to a bedroom? It’s all about creating space that can happily be shared, with the option for alone time, too. We have ideas!
Step inside another home
From a spacious, lively family home to an ultra-compact studio for one: there are many different and inspiring homes for you to explore. Take your pick, step inside and have a look around. Tips and ideas abound!